Circular 209
The Morrow Play Project:
Bibliography of Published Southeast New Mexico Morrow References
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Brian S. BristerNew Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources
- Armstrong, A. K., F. E. Kottlowski, W. J. Stewart, B. L. Mamet, E. H. Baltz, Jr., W. T. Siemers, and S. Thompson III, 1979, The Mississippian and Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) Systems in the United States – New Mexico: U. S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1110-W, 27 p.
- Baltz, E. H., and D. A. Myers, 1999, Stratigraphic framework of upper Paleozoic rocks, southeastern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico, with a section on speculations and implications for regional interpretation of Ancestral Rocky Mountains paleotectonics: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Memoir 48, 269 p.
- Broadhead, R. F., F. Luo, and S. W. Speer, 1998, Oil and gas resources at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) site, Eddy County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Circular 206, 81 p.
- Casavant, R. R., 1999, Speculations on basement tectonics: insights from the White City Penn gas field, Eddy County, New Mexico, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 25-53.
- Casavant, R. R., and K. M. Mallon, 1999, Facies and reservoir characterization of the Morrow sandstones, White City Penn gas pool, Eddy County, New Mexico, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p.55-96.
- Connolly, W. M., and R. J. Stanton, Jr., 1983, Sedimentation and paleoenvironment of Morrowan strata in the Hueco Mountains, west Texas, in S. J. Meador-Roberts, ed., Geology of the Sierra Diablo and southern Hueco Mountains, west Texas: SEPM Publication 83-22, p. 36-64.
- Connolly, W. M., and R. J. Stanton, Jr., 1986, Lower Pennsylvanian (Morrowan) sedimentation in the Orogrande Basin, in J. L. Ahlen, M. E. Hanson, and J. Zidek, eds., Southwest Section of AAPG transactions and guidebook of 1986 convention, Ruidoso, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, p. 129-142.
- Denham, M. E., M. H. Niemann, and T. T. Tieh, 1989, The Occurrence of uranium as related to the diagenesis of the Morrow sandstone, Empire South field, Eddy County, New Mexico, in J. E. Flis, R. C. Price, and J. F. Sarg, eds., Search for the subtle trap, hydrocarbon exploration in mature basins: West Texas Geological Society Publication 89-85, p. 243-254.
- Dunn, D. L., 1976, Biostratigraphic problems of Morrowan and Derryan (Atokan) strata in the Pennsylvanian System of western United States: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 87, no. 5, p.641-645.
- Foster, L., and W. Halepeska, 1974, Improved stimulation fluid for Morrow sand in S.E. New Mexico: Society of Petroleum Engineers, no. 4802, p. 91-96.
- Henry, J. B., 1974, The status of Morrow gas sand exploration in Eddy County, New Mexico: Petroleum Engineer, no. 12, p. 36-42.
- Hillis, G. A., 1985, Petrophysics of the Morrow Formation, southeastern New Mexico: Transactions Southwest Section AAPG, p. 157-173.
- Hills, J. M., 1984, Sedimentation, tectonism, and hydrocarbon generation in Delaware basin, west Texas and southeast New Mexico: AAPG Bulletin, v. 68, no. 3, p. 250-267.
- James, A. D., 1984, Lower Pennsylvanian reservoirs of the Parkway-Empire South field area, Eddy County, New Mexico: Transactions Southwest Section AAPG, p. 33-52.
- James, A. D., 1985, Producing characteristics and depositional environments of Lower Pennsylvanian reservoirs, Parkway-Empire South area, Eddy County, New Mexico: AAPG Bulletin, v. 69, no. 7, p. 1043-1063.
- Kelley, V. C., 1971, Geology of the Pecos country, southeastern New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Memoir 24, 78 p.
- Kohles, K. M., and J. E. Roberts, 1999, The Morrow of southeastern New Mexico: a detailed look at the big picture, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 115-122.
- Lambert, R. B., 1986, Environment of deposition and reservoir characteristics of Lower Pennsylvanian Morrow sandstone, South Empire field area, Eddy County, New Mexico: M. S. Thesis, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 174 p.
- Lambert, R. B., 1989, Environment of deposition and reservoir morphology of Lower Pennsylvanian sandstones, South Empire field, Eddy County, New Mexico, in J. E. Flis, R. C. Price, and J. F. Sarg, eds., Search for the subtle trap, hydrocarbon exploration in mature basins: West Texas Geological Society Publication 89-85, p. 235-241.
- Mazzullo, J., and L. J. Mazzullo, 1984, Detrital and authigenic clay minerals in the lower Morrow sandstones of eastern New Mexico: Transactions Southwest Section AAPG (West Texas Geological Society publication SWS-84-78), p. 53-60.
- Mazzullo, L. J., 1983, Reservoir and clay mineral trends in the Morrow Formation, southeastern New Mexico: West Texas Geological Society Bulletin, v. 23, no. 1, p. 4-9.
- Mazzullo, L. J., 1999, Geologic history and reservoir development in the Shoebar field area, Lea County, New Mexico: Transactions Southwest Section AAPG, p.41-51.
- Mazzullo, L. J., 1999, Reservoir geometries and exploration strategies in the Morrow of southeastern New Mexico: Transactions Southwest Section AAPG, p. 53-72.
- Mazzullo, L. J., 1999, Significance of intraformational unconformities in the Morrow Formation of the Permian Basin, in D. T. Grace and G. D. Hinterlong, eds., The Permian Basin: providing energy for America: West Texas Geological Society Publication 99-106, p. 55-61.
- Mazzullo, L. J., and J. M. Mazzullo, Geology and clay mineralogy of the Morrow Formation, southeastern New Mexico: Society of Petroleum Engineers, no. 13849, p. 143-149.
- Meyer, R. F., 1966, Geology of Pennsylvanian and Wolfcampian rocks in southeast New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Memoir 17, 123 p.
- Metcalf, M. G., 1982, Depositional environment and reservoir morphology of lower Morrow sandstones, Northwest Shelf, Eddy County, New Mexico, in R. L. Shaw, E. J. Perez and B. J. Pollan, Permian Basin cores: Permian Basin Section SEPM Core Workshop No. 1, p. 97-100.
- Niemann, M. H., 1987, Diagenesis of the Lower Pennsylvanian Morrow sandstone, Empire South Field, Eddy County, New Mexico: M. S. Thesis, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 131 p.
- Osleger, D. A., 1981, Stratigraphy and microfacies analysis of the La Tuna Formation (Morrowan-Atokan) Franklin Mountains, Texas and New Mexico and Bishop Cap Hills, New Mexico (M. S. Thesis): University of Texas at El Paso, 138 p.
- Pai, V. J., and S. J. Garbis, 1982, Review of the completion practices in the Morrow Formation in Eddy, Chaves and Lea counties of southeast New Mexico: Society of Petroleum Engineers, no. 11335, p. 1-16.
- Pai, V. J., M. M. Keith, R. Edgeman, and P. Hust, 1994, New technique of fracture stimulating the Morrow and the Atoka formations of southeastern New Mexico: Society of Petroleum Engineers, no. 27690, p. 589-606.
- Podpechan, F., 1960, Lower Pennsylvanian gas exploration, Eddy County, Southeastern New Mexico, in H. N. Sweeney, E. S. Dietrich, D. A. Dunn, F. L. Fay, R. D. Holt, W. G. McCampbell, and T. F. Stipp, eds., The oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico: Roswell Geological Society, p. xxii-xxiii.
- Roberts, J. E., and K. M. Kohles, 1999, Correlative subsurface database for the Atoka and Morrow formations and underlying Mississippian Barnett Shale of southeastern New Mexico, in D. T. Grace and G. D. Hinterlong, eds., The Permian Basin: providing energy for America: West Texas Geological Society Publication 99-106, p. 35-41.
- Simon, D., and P. Underwood, 1977, Morrow stimulation in southeast New Mexico: Society of Petroleum Engineers, no. 6375, p. 61-72.
- Speer, S. W., 1993, Permian Basin Pre-Permian plays-Morrow, in Atlas of major Rocky Mountain gas reservoirs: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, p. 159-161.
- Worthington, R. E., 1999, Discovery, development, and extension of Pennsylvanian (Atoka, Morrow) gas reservoirs in the Shugart and North Shugart field areas, northeastern Eddy County, New Mexico, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 125-137.
Roswell Geological Society Field Studies
- Andersen, R., 1977, Carlsbad field, Eddy County, New Mexico, in K. Havenor, ed., symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1977 supplement: Roswell Geological Society, p.21-28.
- Anderson, C. A., 1999, Crow Flats / Logan Draw (Morrow), in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 178-180.
- Barr, R. K., 1999, Little Box Canyon (Lower) Morrow, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 214-217.
- Bradshaw, B., 1999, Lea, Penn (gas), in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 210-212.
- Brannigan, J., 1999, Buffalo Valley Penn, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 160-162.
- Brannigan, J., 1999, Diamond Mound , Morrow, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 183.
- Brannigan, J., 1999, Duffield Penn, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 184-187.
- Brannigan, J., 1999, Lake Arthur Penn, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 209.
- Brister, B. S., 1999, Red Lake Atoka-Morrow & Red Lake Pennsylvanian, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 228-231.
- Cox, R. G., 1999, Anderson (Penn), Grayburg (Morrow), Loco Hills (Morrow), in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 154-158.
- Derrick, N., D. Hart, H. Justman, D. Leiphart, D. Medford, R. Robinson, T. Sande, A. Trivitt, and R. Broadhead, 1999, Kemnitz (Morrow), in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 204-207.
- Hart, B. S., 1999, Empire South Morrow, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 188-191.
- King, T., 1999, Sand Ranch, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 238-240.
- Mallon, K., and B. Casavant, White City Penn Gas, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 256-262.
- McClain, T., 1999, Sand Dunes Morow, Sand Dunes Morrow, North, Sand Dunes Morrow, West, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 234-237.
- McRae, J. R., 1999, Hat Mesa (Morrow), in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 200-202.
- Pearson, R. A., 1999, Lusk Morrow, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 218-221.
- Richards, R., 1999, Townsend Morrow, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 252-255.
- Worrall, J., 1999, Grama Ridge East Morrow, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 192-198.
- Worrall, J., 1999, Oho Chiso Morrow, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 226-227.
- Worrall, J., 1999, Rock Lake Morrow, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 232.
- Worrall, J., 1999, Rock Lake Morrow North, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 233.
- White, P., 1999, Millman South (Morrow) gas, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 222-224.
- Worthington, R., 1999, Burton Flat East (Morrow), in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 164-167.
- Worthington, R., 1999, Shugart (Morrow), in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 242-246.
- Worthington, R., 1999, Shugart North (Morrow), in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 247.
- Yahney, G., and R. Reyes, 1999, Cedar Lake, East Morrow, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 172-177.
- Bay, A. R., and P. A. Baltensperger, 1990, Sequence stratigraphy of the Pennsylvanian Morrow Formation, northern Delaware Basin, New Mexico (abstract): AAPG Bulletin, vol. 74, no. 5, p. 607.
- Carlile, K. Q., 1997, Structural, depositional, and diagenetic analysis of the Pennsylvanian Morrow within the Cedar Lake area in the Delaware Basin of southeast New Mexico (abstract): AAPG Bulletin, v. 81, no. 5, p. 866.
- Casavant, R. R., 1986, Paleonenvironmental reconstruction for infill drilling, White City Penn-South Carlsbad field areas, Eddy County, New Mexico, in J. L. Ahlen, M. E. Hanson, and J. Zidek, eds., Southwest Section of AAPG transactions and guidebook of 1986 convention, Ruidoso, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, p. 152.
- Hillis, G. A., 1985, Petrophysics of Morrow Formation, southeastern New Mexico: AAPG Bulletin (abstract), v. 69, no. 1, p. 145.
- Hillis, G. A., 1999, Petrophysics of the Morrow Formation southeastern New Mexico, in R. E. Worthington and M. Brown, eds., A symposium of the oil and gas fields of southeastern New Mexico, 1999 supplement, Pennsylvanian gas fields: Roswell Geological Society, p. 113.
- Lambert , R. B., and R. R. Berg, 1986, Analysis of Lower Morrowan sandstone reservoirs, South Empire field area, Eddy County, New Mexico, in J. L. Ahlen, M. E. Hanson, and J. Zidek, eds., Southwest Section of AAPG transactions and guidebook of 1986 convention, Ruidoso, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, p. 152.
- Martin, J. S., J. R. Broten, and D. R. Matthews, Geology of the Pitchfork Ranch field, Lea County, New Mexico, in J. L. Ahlen, M. E. Hanson, and J. Zidek, eds., Southwest Section of AAPG transactions and guidebook of 1986 convention, Ruidoso, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, p. 151-152.
- Mazzullo, L. J., 1983, Stratigraphy and sedimentation of the Lower and Middle Morrow of southeastern New Mexico (abstract): AAPG Southwestern Section Meeting.
- Mazzullo, L. J., 1991, Prediction of reservoir geometries in the Morrow of southeastern New Mexico (abstract): AAPG Bulletin, v. 75, no. 8, p. 1396.