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Your search for uranium returned 1029 pages.

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# Documents
851: nmg_v15_n1_p18.pdf
spec - with superb Along this locality . served at of reminiscent galena and of fluorite imens zone mineralized the material , Mex - Tex upper a suite revealed recent collaPse by a exposed including microminerals , well - crystallized of ilewMericoM ineral Symposium aurichalcite , rosasite , murdoch . . .
852: nmg_v15_n2_Service News and Announcements.pdf
* Geologic sAr / 3eAr Map Mountain dating of dinosaur origins : 68 - Geology of Lion Science , publications New and northern v . 260 , Arrowhead Well quadrangles , no . 5109 , p p . 794 - 797 . Socorro County , New Mexico , by R . Os - Root , D . H . , and Attanasi , E . D . , 1993 , S mall G . NMBM . . .
853: nmg_v16_n1_p1.pdf
Pumice mining and environmental concerinns N ewM exico by George S . Austin , NewM exico Bureau ol Mines andM ineraRl esources , SocorroN , e wM exico 87801 Abstract acollected , nd the mining companyis releasedfr om its obligations outlinedin the operationp lan only aftera ll requiredr eclamation h . . .
854: nmg_v4_n2_p22.pdf
Occurrence of Bishop Ash near Grama , New Mexico Curtis P . Kortemeier New Mexico Geology , v . 4 , n . 2 pp . 22 - 24 , Print ISSN : 0196 - 948X , Online ISSN : 2837 - 6420 . https : / / / 10.58799 / NMG - v4n2.22 Download from : https : / / / publications / periodicals / nm . . .
855: New Mexico Geology, v. 42, n. 1, 2020 New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources
Spring 2020 Volume 42 , Number 1 New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources / A Research Division of New Mexico Tech Spring 2020 Volume 42 , Number 1 A publication of the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources A Research Division of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technolo . . .
856: Lite Geology 31: The Rio Grande Rift Welch, Susan J.; Bland, Douglas; [ed]
Lite The Rio Grande Rift spring 2012 issue 31 View from the Knife Edge in the Sandia Mountains looking northwest across the Santo Domingo basin , which is a part of the Rio Grande rift . The Sandia Mountains are a classic example of a rift - flank uplift . The Sandias expose Proterozoic granite capp . . .
857: Mining in New Mexico: The environment, water, economics, and sustainable development L. Greer Price, Douglas Bland, Virginia T. McLemore, and James M. Barker, [ed(s)]
160 List of Contributors Barker , James M . Massachusetts , an M.S . in geology from the University of New Mexico , and Senior Industrial Minerals Geologist / Associate Director a Ph.D . in geology from New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology . New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resource . . .
858: Water resources of the Middle Rio Grande: San Acacia to Elephant Butte L. Greer Price, Peggy S. Johnson, and Douglas Bland, [ed(s)]
131 List of Contributors Bland , Douglas M . contributed to the regional water plan prepared for the New Mexico Mid - Special Projects Manager Region Council of Governments and the New Mexico Water Assembly , New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources providing an evaluation of water salvage . . .
859: Water, natural resources, and the urban landscape L. Greer Price, Douglas Bland, Peggy S. Johnson, and Connell, Sean D., editors
144 Ron Broadhead worked for the former Cities Service Company in Oklahoma List of Contributors and has been with the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources since 1981 , where he is presently principal senior petroleum geologist as well as adjunct faculty . He has recently worked on oil . . .
860: Scenic Trips to the Geologic Past No. 2: Taos-Red River-Eagle Nest, New Mexico. Circle Drive Schilling
SCENIC TRIPS to the GEOLOGIC PAST Circle Drive Taos – Red River – Eagle Nest New Mexico Scenic Trips to the Geologic Past Series : No . 1 - Santa Fe , New Mexico No . 2 - Taos - Red River - Eagle Nest , New Mexico , Circle Drive No . 3 - Roswell - Capitan Ruidoso and Bottomless Lakes Park , New Mexi . . .
861: Circle Drive: Taos-Red River-Eagle Nest, New Mexico, Third edition John H. Schilling
SCENIC TRIPS to the GEOLOGIC PAST Circle Drive Taos – Red River – Eagle Nest New Mexico Scenic Trips to the Geologic Past Series : No . 1 - Santa Fe , New Mexico No . 2 - Taos - Red River - Eagle Nest , New Mexico , Circle Drive No . 3 - Roswell - Capitan Ruidoso and Bottomless Lakes Park , New Mexi . . .
862: PR-10.pdf
Progress Report 10 New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources A DIVISION OF NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING & TECHNOLOGY Washability tests and heat - content predictions for New Mexico coals by Robert Shantz Tlze purpose of this series is the immediate release of significant new infornzation whic . . .
863: Precambrian and Tertiary geology of Las Tablas quadrangle, New Mexico F. Barker
864: Contributions to Late Cretaceous paleontology and stratigraphy of New Mexico: Part I Donald L. Wolberg [ed]
COVER — Cenomanian - Maastrichtian shorelines . From C . M . Molenaar , 1983 , Major depositional cycles and regional correlations of Upper Cretaceous rocks , southern Colorado Plateau and adjacent areas ; pp . 201 - 223 in Reynolds , M . W . , and Dolly , E.D . ( eds . ) , Mesozoic paleogeography o . . .
865: The Socorro Magma Body Gary Axen, Jolante van Wijk, Fred Phillips, Bruce Harrison, Brad Sion, Shuoyu Yao, and Dave Love
WINTER 2019 The Socorro Magma Body N ew Mexico is famous for its magnificent and diverse landscapes and geological features . However , one of the most unusual geological features in the state is not directly observable at the surface — the Socorro magma body . The magma body is a pancake - shaped m . . .
866: Volcanoes of New Mexico Nelia W. Dunbar
Winter 2006 VOLCANOES OF NEW MEXICO one of these enormous eruptions , as are Perhaps more than any other state in the striking landforms at City of Rocks the U.S . , New Mexico offers an State Park . enormously diverse record of volcanic The shape of volcanoes , and the time activity . Many familiar . . .
867: Fission-track ages of Tertiary intrusive rocks in the Manhattan Mining District, northern Front Range, Colorado M.E. McCallum and C.W. Naeser
Fission - track ages of Tertiary intrusive rocks in the Manhattan Mining District , northern Front Range , Colorado M.E . McCallum and C.W . Naeser Isochron / West , Bulletin of Isotopic Geochronology , v . 18 , pp . 1 Downloaded from : https : / / / publications / periodicals / isoc . . .
868: Water, natural resources, and the urban landscape L. Greer Price, Douglas Bland, Peggy S. Johnson, and Connell, Sean D., editors
chapter three geologic issues associated with urban growth D e c i s i o n - M a k e r s field conference 2009 The Albuquerque Region CHAPCHAP TER three 74 Lafarge North America’s Placitas pit aggregate operation in Sandoval County . y Heise l e i dr A © DECISIONDECISION - MAKERS FIELD GUIDE 2009 ge . . .
869: Water, natural resources, and the urban landscape L. Greer Price, Douglas Bland, Peggy S. Johnson, and Connell, Sean D., editors
chapter four A Look to the future D e c i s i o n - M a k e r s field conference 2009 The Albuquerque Region chapter four 110 The Coors Interchange on I – 40 . y Heise l e i dr A © DECISION - MAKERS FIELD GUIDE 2009 a look to the future 111 Water Supply Strategies Identified in New Mexico Water Plan . . .
870: 25th Annual New Mexico Mineral Symposium, November 13-14, Socorro, NM - 2004 NMBGMR
Welcome to THE TWENTY — FIFTH ANNUAL NEW MEXICO MINERAL SYMPOSIUM November 13 and 14 , 2003 Macey Center Auditorium New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Socorro , New Mexico The Mineral Symposium is organized each year by the Mineral Museum at the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Re . . .
871: 25th Annual New Mexico Mineral Symposium New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources [ed.]
Welcome to THE TWENTY — FIFTH ANNUAL NEW MEXICO MINERAL SYMPOSIUM November 13 and 14 , 2003 Macey Center Auditorium New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Socorro , New Mexico The Mineral Symposium is organized each year by the Mineral Museum at the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Re . . .
872: Lite Geology 28: Geothermal Energy Welch, Susan J.; Bland, Douglas; [ed]
Lite FALL 2010 ISSUE 28 Geothermal Energy Flowers growing in a geothermal greenhouse at Masson Radium Springs Farm , New Mexico . In This Issue . . . Geothermal Energy • How Do Geysers Work ? Classroom Activity : Infrared Yellowstone Lesson Plans • Geothermal Crossword Puzzle Geothermal Applications . . .
873: Lite Geology 36: New Mexico’s Coal and Electricity Industries Welch, Susan J.; Bland, Douglas; [ed]
N EW M EXICO B UREAU O F G EOLOGY & M INERAL R ESOURCES   A DIVISION OF   NEW MEXICO T ECH fall 2014 issue 36 New Mexico’s Coal and Electricity Industries Escalante Generating Station . Photo courtesy of Tri - State Generating and Transmission Association . In This Issue . . . New Mexico’s Coal and . . .
874: Lite Geology 51: San Juan Basin Tour, Research, and an Alamosaurus! Connolly, Cynthia; [ed]
New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources San Juan Basin Tour , Research , and an Alamosaurus ! Spring Volume 2023 51 1 San Juan Basin Tour , Research , and an Alamosaurus ! Welcome to our 51st edition of Lite Geology ! Lite Geology 51 explores the San Juan Basin in the Four Corners area of . . .
875: nmg_v10_n3_p64.pdf
yielded fragments in T12N , R11E , and has References sec . 7 , Abstracts labyrinthodont dermal armor in - of capitosauroid Broadhead , R . F . , 1987 , Carbon in dioxide Union and The an Early - Middle Triassic age . Santa dicative of Harding Counties : New Mexico Geological Society , New Mexico Ge . . .
876: Drones for the Geosciences: A New Eye in the Sky Matthew Zimmerer
winter 2018 drones for the geosciences : a new eye in the sky Drones flown at low altitude can for repeat photography of long - lived events tudies of planet Earth are best done capture surface and topographic informa - ( such as stream erosion ) . The combination Susing a wide variety of tools beca . . .
877: Geothermal energy in New Mexico James C. Witcher
Summer 2006 GEOTHERMAL ENERGY IN NEW MEXICO help concentrate and redirect Geothermal energy is the the hot water flow upward . heat energy that is generated Where these systems intersect and stored in the earth . This the surface , hot springs are heat represents one of the found . Heat from active . . .
878: K-Ar ages and geothermal implications of young rhyoiites in west-central Utah H.H. Mehnert; P.D. Rowley; P.W. Lipman
K - Ar ages and geothermal implications of young rhyoiites in west - central Utah H.H . Mehnert , P.D . Rowley , and P.W . Lipman Isochron / West , Bulletin of Isotopic Geochronology , v . 21 , pp . 3 Downloaded from : https : / / / publications / periodicals / isochronwest / . . .
879: Geochronology of the Ellensburg Formation-constraints on Neogene volcanism and stratigraphic relationships in central Washington G.A. Smith; M. Shafiqullah; N.P. Campbell; M.W. Deacon
Geochronology of the Ellensburg Formation - constraints on Neogene volcanism and stratigraphic relationships in central Washington G.A . Smith , M . Shafiqullah , N.P . Campbell , and M.W . Deacon Isochron / West , Bulletin of Isotopic Geochronology , v . 53 , pp . 28 - 32 Downloaded from : https : . . .
880: Age and tectonic implications of Mid-Mesozoic calc-alkalic hornblende-rich mafic plutonic rocks of the eastern Sierra Nevada, California T.P. Frost and J.M. Mattinson
Age and tectonic implications of Mid - Mesozoic calc - alkalic hornblende - rich mafic plutonic rocks of the eastern Sierra Nevada , California T.P . Frost and J.M . Mattinson Isochron / West , Bulletin of Isotopic Geochronology , v . 59 , pp . 11 - 16 Downloaded from : https : / / / . . .
881: nmg_v16_n4_Service News and Announcements.pdf
publications New topical ( GRI - 91 / 0072 ) report that had limited contractional orogeny in western North distribution . This publication includes the America : evidencefrom ca . 1 . . 4 Ga plutons : 1 { MBMMR reviewed paperson the San Basinf rom Geology , v . 22 , no . 10 , pp . 901 - 904 . fuan . . .
882: nmg_v31_n3_p59.pdf
Cenomanian invertebrate assemblage from the Dakota Sandstone near Ghost Ranch , Rio Arriba County , New Mexico Spencer G . Lucas and Larry F . Rinehart New Mexico Geology , v . 31 , n . 3 pp . 59 - 64 , Print ISSN : 0196 - 948X , Online ISSN : 2837 - 6420 . https : / / / 10.58799 / NMG - v31 . . .
883: The anatomy of a long-lived fault system—structural and thermochronologic evidence for Laramide to Quaternary activity on the Tijeras fault, New Mexico John C. Abbott, Laurel B. Goodwin, Shari A. Kelley, Stephen R. Maynard, and william C. McIntosh
NEW MEXICO BUREAU OF GEOLOGY &   MINERAL RESOURCES ,   BULLETIN 160 ,   2004 The   anatomy   of   a   long­lived   fault   system — structural   and thermochronologic   evidence   for   Laramide   to Quaternary   activity   on   the   Tijeras   fault ,   New   Mexico   John   C .   Abbott 1 ,   La . . .
884: The anatomy of a long-lived fault system--structural and thermochronologic evidence for Laramide to Quaternary activity on the Tijeras fault, New Mexico John C. Abbott, Laurel B. Goodwin, Shari A. Kelley, Stephen R. Maynard, and William C. McIntosh
NEW MEXICO BUREAU OF GEOLOGY &   MINERAL RESOURCES ,   BULLETIN 160 ,   2004 The   anatomy   of   a   long­lived   fault   system — structural   and thermochronologic   evidence   for   Laramide   to Quaternary   activity   on   the   Tijeras   fault ,   New   Mexico   John   C .   Abbott 1 ,   La . . .
885: Zircon-Fission-Track ages of Neogene air-fall ashes from the Gila group and the Camp Rice formation, Grant and Dona Ana counties, New Mexico W. Leopoldt and C.P. Kortemeier
Zircon - Fission - Track ages of Neogene air - fall ashes from the Gila group and the Camp Rice formation , Grant and Dona Ana counties , New Mexico W . Leopoldt and C.P . Kortemeier Isochron / West , Bulletin of Isotopic Geochronology , v . 41 , pp . 15 - 18 Downloaded from : https : / / geoinfo.nm . . .
886: nmg_v4_n1_p6.pdf
Palomas volcanic field , southern New Mexico and northern Chihuahua , Mexico Thomas J . Frantes and Jerry M . Hoffer New Mexico Geology , v . 4 , n . 1 pp . 6 - 8,16 , Print ISSN : 0196 - 948X , Online ISSN : 2837 - 6420 . https : / / / 10.58799 / NMG - v4n1.6 Download from : https : / / geo . . .
887: nmg_v5_n2_p21.pdf
Sedimentology and paleontology of Lower Permian fluvial red beds of north - central New Mexico David A . Eberth and David S . Berman New Mexico Geology , v . 5 , n . 2 pp . 21 - 25 , Print ISSN : 0196 - 948X , Online ISSN : 2837 - 6420 . https : / / / 10.58799 / NMG - v5n2.21 Download from : . . .
888: nmg_v5_n3_p41.pdf
Magnetostratigraphy of a core from Raton Basin , New Mexico - - Implications for synchroneity of Cretaceous - Tertiary boundary events Michael A . Payne and Donald L . Wolberg New Mexico Geology , v . 5 , n . 3 pp . 41 - 44 , Print ISSN : 0196 - 948X , Online ISSN : 2837 - 6420 . https : / / . . .
889: Centennial_paper_combined.pdf
Feb . – Nov . 2012 Volume 34 , Nos . 1 – 4 Celebrating New Mexico's Centennial The geology of New Mexico as understood in 1912 : an essay for the centennial of New Mexico statehood — Part 1 Barry S . Kues 2 A snapshot of New Mexico in 1912 3 Geology in New Mexico around 1912 7 The geology of New Mex . . .
890: Age dates from other publications-list 2 S.L. Nichols
Age dates from other publications - list 2 S.L . Nichols Isochron / West , Bulletin of Isotopic Geochronology , v . 21 , pp . 22 - 35 Downloaded from : https : / / / publications / periodicals / isochronwest / home.cfml ? Issue = 21 Isochron / West was published at irregular interval . . .
891: nmg_v10_n2_p39.pdf
m averages 0.5 lowermost unit The shelf edge . in to syn - due , part , Abo Formation and laterally Abstracts wacke - is a silty peloidal thick compositionally and remaining highlands , depositional proximity of are subarkosic and tvvo intervals upper stone . The during were probably formed which te . . .
892: Cooling histories of mountain ranges in the southern Rio Grande rift based on apatite fission-track analysis--A reconnaissance survey Shari A. Kelley and Charles E. Chapin
Cooling histories of mountain ranges in the southern Rio Grande rift based on apatite fission - track analysis - - A reconnaissance survey Shari A . Kelley and Charles E . Chapin New Mexico Geology , v . 19 , n . 1 pp . 1 - 14 , Print ISSN : 0196 - 948X , Online ISSN : 2837 - 6420 . https : / / doi. . . .
893: nmg_v29_n4_p122.pdf
Ages of Quaternary Rio Grande terrace - fill deposits , Albuquerque area , New Mexico James C . Cole , Shannon A . Mahan , Byron D . Stone , and Ralph R . Shroba New Mexico Geology , v . 29 , n . 4 pp . 122 - 132 , Print ISSN : 0196 - 948X , Online ISSN : 2837 - 6420 . https : / / / 10.58799 . . .
894: Guidebook to the Socorro area, New Mexico Mclemore
Guidebook to the Socorro area , New Mexico Compiled by Virginia T . McLemore and Mark R . Bowie New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources , Socorro , NM 87801 24th annual meeting of the Clay Minerals Society and 36th annual Clay Minerals Conference Guidebook for the 1987 conference SOCORRO 19 . . .
895: New Mexico’s Climate in the 21st Century: A Great Change is Underway David Gutzler
SUMMER 2020 New Mexico’s Climate in the 21st Century A Great Change is Underway are related to temperature , represent a new ew Mexico’s climate is rapidly changing . observed in and around New Mexico over climatic phenomenon . In the past , people in NAnnual average temperature , measured at the pa . . .
896: nmg_v1_n1_p1.pdf
Tertiary geology of Hidalgo County , New Mexico . Guide to metals , industrial minerals , petroleum , and geothermal resources W . E . Elston , Edward E . Erbe , and E . G . Deal New Mexico Geology , v . 1 , n . 1 pp . 1 , 3 - 6 , Print ISSN : 0196 - 948X , Online ISSN : 2837 - 6420 . https : / / do . . .
897: nmg_v5_n2_p26.pdf
Florida Mountains section of southwest New Mexico overthrust belt - - A re - evaluation Glen A . Brown and Russell E . Clemons New Mexico Geology , v . 5 , n . 2 pp . 26 - 28 , Print ISSN : 0196 - 948X , Online ISSN : 2837 - 6420 . https : / / / 10.58799 / NMG - v5n2.26 Download from : https . . .
898: Quaternary faulting and soil formation on the County Dump Fault, Albuquerque, New Mexico J. P. McCalpin, S. S. Olig, Harrison, J. B. J., and G. W. Berger
Quaternary faulting and soil formation on the County Dump fault , Albuquerque , New Mexico J . P . McCalpin , S . S . Olig , J . B . J . Harrison , and G . W . Berger CIRCULAR 212 NEW MEXICO BUREAU OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES 2006 A DIVISION OF NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING AND TECHNOLOGY Summ . . .
899: Sedimentology of the Upper Cretaceous rocks of Todilto Park, New Mexico Max E. Willard
900: 2019_NMMS_Program-Abstracts.pdf
40th ANNUAL NEW MEXICO MINERAL SYMPOSIUM Program and Abstracts November 9 & 10 , 2019 An overview of the agates of northern Mexico and southern New Mexico Brad L . Cross , Featured Speaker November 14 & 15 , 2015 Macey Center New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Socorro , New Mexico Mineral . . .

There are 129 more results for uranium...