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Your search for uranium returned 1028 pages.

Displaying pages: 601 - 650 (ranked by relevance).

# Documents
601: New Mexico Graduate Student Abstracts
New Mexico Graduate Student Abstracts New Mexico Geology recognizes the important research of graduate students working in M.S . and Ph.D . programs . The following abstracts are from M.S . theses and Ph.D . dissertations completed in the last 12 months that pertain to the geology of New Mexico and . . .
602: nmg_v9_n1_Service News and Annoucements.pdf
International 6th of the Proceedings Mexico : F Siems , D . and L . Forn , C R . Hassemer , J . publications pp 52 - 63 ' Tectonics , Basement on New Conference press . in is still 0C . 1 : 250,00 1985 , scales W . , L . M . W . , R . S.A . , Jackson , and Friedman , deposits Jones , surficial map o . . .
603: Mining in New Mexico: The environment, water, economics, and sustainable development L. Greer Price, Douglas Bland, Virginia T. McLemore, and James M. Barker, [ed(s)]
C H A P T E R T WO ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER QUALITY ISSUES D E C I S I O N - M A K E R S F I E L D C O N F E R E N C E 2 0 0 5 T a o s R e g i o n Photo not available online C H A P T E R T W O 40 Rio Grande in fall color , near Embudo . Photo not available online STONE WILLIAM © DECISION - MAKERS FI . . .
604: Critical Minerals in New Mexico Virginia T. McLemore and Alexander Gysi
WINTER 2023 Published by the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources • A Research Division of New Mexico Tech Critical Minerals in New Mexico In geology , a mineral generally refers to a chemical compound with a well - defined Before 2010 , most Americans had never heard of critical miner . . .
605: nmg_v16_n3_p56.pdf
that overlie KG volcanic rocks and extend Abstracts southward from the ( thus Mountains Jemez preserving most of what Smith et al . [ 1970 ] mappedasCF ) . This removes the penecontem - poraneity of CF sedimentation and KG volca - New Mexico Geological Society nism in the Bailey ( 1968 ) et al . def . . .
606: New Mexico Geology, v. 39, n. 2, 2017 New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources
New Mexico Fall , 2017 GEOLOGY Volume 39 , Number 2 New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources / A Division of New Mexico Tech Fall , 2017 Volume 39 , Number 2 New Mexico A publication of the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and GEOLOGY Mineral Resources , a division of the New Mexico Institute . . .
607: Energy resources in New Mexico Brian S. Brister
Volume 2 , Number 1 , January 2002 NOTES FROM ENERGY RESOURCES IN NEW MEXICO THE STATE GEOLOGIST New Mexico is a land truly blessed workforce , dedicated to producing In previous issues I’ve recounted some with a bounty of energy - related natural energy efficiently and safely . Today we of the work . . .
608: The New Mexico Library of Subsurface Data Ron Broadhead and Peter Scholle
summer 2009 T h e New Me x i c o Library o f S u b s u r fac e D ata New Mexico has a rich legacy of • 3,296 sidewall cores from 124 drill petroleum and mineral exploration and holes production , most of which has involved • 280 boxes of core chips from 135 subsurface investigations . Hundreds of dr . . .
609: Dating results from Carlsbad Cavern and other caves in the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico D.C. Ford and C.A. Hill
Dating results from Carlsbad Cavern and other caves in the Guadalupe Mountains , New Mexico D.C . Ford and C.A . Hill Isochron / West , Bulletin of Isotopic Geochronology , v . 54 , pp . 3 - 7 Downloaded from : https : / / / publications / periodicals / isochronwest / home.cfml ? Iss . . .
610: nmg_v24_n1_p19.pdf
Minerals industry in New Mexico in 1998 - 2000 Virginia T . McLemore , Gretchen K . Hoffman , and John J . Pfeil New Mexico Geology , v . 24 , n . 1 pp . 19 - 28 , Print ISSN : 0196 - 948X , Online ISSN : 2837 - 6420 . https : / / / 10.58799 / NMG - v24n1.19 Download from : https : / / geoin . . .
611: Geologic studies of Union County, New Mexico Brewster Baldwin and W. R. Muehlberger
Bulletin 63 New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources A DIVISION OF NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING & TECHNOLOGY Geologic Studies of Union County , New Mexico by Brewster Baldwin and William R . Muehlberger SOCORRO 1959 NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING & TECHNOLOGY KENNETH W . FORD , President NEW . . .
612: nmg_v37_n3_p59.pdf
Rare Earth Elements ( REE ) Deposits in New Mexico : Update V . T Mclemore New Mexico Geology , v . 37 , n . 3 pp . 59 - 69 , Online ISSN : 2837 - 6420 . https : / / / 10.58799 / NMG - v37n3.59 Download from : https : / / / publications / periodicals / nmg / backissues / home . . .
613: nmg_v18_n1_Service News and Announcements.pdf
tion activity led to various karst features , Mexico Press , Third edition , 368 pp . , 6 maps . publications New limestone breccias , and areas Reneau , S . L . , M . , and Forman , extensive of Gardner , S L . , J . calcite recrystallization 1.996 , New evidence for the age of the NMBMMR in the Va . . .
614: nmg_v10_n2_p33.pdf
Rare - earth elements in New Mexico Virginia T . McLemore , Robert M . North , and Shawn Leppert New Mexico Geology , v . 10 , n . 2 pp . 33 - 38 , Print ISSN : 0196 - 948X , Online ISSN : 2837 - 6420 . https : / / / 10.58799 / NMG - v10n2.33 Download from : https : / / / pub . . .
615: nmg_v5_n1_p20.pdf
Mineral and mineral fuel production in New Mexico , 1980 - 1982 Robert W . Eveleth and Robert A . Bieberman New Mexico Geology , v . 5 , n . 1 pp . 20 , Print ISSN : 0196 - 948X , Online ISSN : 2837 - 6420 . https : / / / 10.58799 / NMG - v5n1.20 Download from : https : / / / . . .
616: Adobe, pressed-earth, and rammed earth industries in New Mexico Edward W. Smith and George S. Austin
New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources SOCORRO 1996 A DIVISION OF NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING & TECHNOLOGY Adobe , pressed - earth , and rammed - earth industries in New Mexico ( revised edition ) by Edward W . Smith ' and George S . Austin 2 ¹ P.O . Box 537 , Tesuque , NM 87574 ' New Mex . . .
617: Fluorspar in New Mexico William N. McAnulty
New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources A DIVISION OF NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING & TECHNOLOGY Fluorspar in New Mexico by William N . McAnulty SOCORRO 1978 iii Acknowledgments This report is the product of a study of all previously published works on fluorspar in New Mexico and evaluation . . .
618: Geology of Sandia Mountains and vicinity, New Mexico Vincent C. Kelley and Stuart A. Northrop
Geology of Sandia Mountains and Vicinity , New Mexico New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources A DIVISION OF NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING & TECHNOLOGY Geology of Sandia Mountains and Vicinity , New Mexico by Vincent C . Kelley and Stuart A . Northrop SOCORRO 1975 iv NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF M . . .
619: Age determinations from other publications-list 3 B.S. Weimer; J.E. Amesbury; S.L. Nichols
Age determinations from other publications - list 3 B.S . Weimer , J.E . Amesbury , and S.L . Nichols Isochron / West , Bulletin of Isotopic Geochronology , v . 25 , pp . 9 Downloaded from : https : / / / publications / periodicals / isochronwest / home.cfml ? Issue = 25 Isochron / W . . .
620: - Natural Resources Research: Coal
- Natural Resources Research: Coal home page New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources your maps & books Home Natural Resources Coal Importance of Coal Production in New Mexico We are a research and service divisio . . .
621: Geologic Tour: Ute Lake State Park
Geologic Tour: Ute Lake State Park home page New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources your maps & books Home Geologic Tour State Parks & Monuments Ute Lake State Park Overview Physiographic Provinces Landmarks & Feature . . .
622: Hog Ranch gold property, northwestern Nevada: age and genetic relation of hydrothermal mineralization to coeval peralkaline silicic and associated basaltic magmatism D.S. Harvey; D.C. Noble; E.H. McKee
Hog Ranch gold property , northwestern Nevada : age and genetic relation of hydrothermal mineralization to coeval peralkaline silicic and associated basaltic magmatism D.S . Harvey , D.C . Noble , and E.H . McKee Isochron / West , Bulletin of Isotopic Geochronology , v . 47 , pp . 9 - 11 Downloaded . . .
623: U.S. geological survey radiometric ages- compilation "C" part I; Mexico, and Wisconsin, Michigan, and North and South Carolina R.F. Marvin; H.H. Menhert; R.E. Zartman
U.S . geological survey radiometric ages - compilation " C " part I ; Mexico , and Wisconsin , Michigan , and North and South Carolina R.F . Marvin , H.H . Menhert , and R.E . Zartman Isochron / West , Bulletin of Isotopic Geochronology , v . 51 , pp . 3 - 4 Downloaded from : https : / / geoinfo.nmt . . .
624: NM Geochronology Database: DDS-1
NM Geochronology Database: DDS-1 home page New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources your maps & books Home Publications Digital Data Series DDS-1: NM Geochronology (details) The New Mexico Geochronological . . .
625: nmg_v7_n1_Service News and Announcements.pdf
significance in interpreting ancient analogs , by 0pen - filreeports publications New C . R . Handford , A . C . Kendall , D . R . Prezbin - NMBMMR dowski , B.Dunham , B . W . 1 { MBMMR Logan , 1984G : eol - J . * l47 - Geology ogy , v . 72 , no . 9 , pp . D * Annual 523 - 527 . of the Cross Mountai . . .
626: nmg_v9_n3_p45.pdf
Economics of coal production cycles in New Mexico Orin J . Anderson and Donald L . Wolberg New Mexico Geology , v . 9 , n . 3 pp . 45 - 49 , Print ISSN : 0196 - 948X , Online ISSN : 2837 - 6420 . https : / / / 10.58799 / NMG - v9n3.45 Download from : https : / / / publication . . .
627: Scenic Trips to the Geologic Past No. 8: Mosaic of New Mexico's scenery, rocks, and history Christiansen
Mosaic of New Mexico's Scenery , Rocks , and History SCENIC TRIPS TO THE GEOLOGIC PAST NO . 8 Scenic Trips to the Geologic Past Series : No . 1 — SANTA FE , NEW MEXICO No . 2 — TAOS — RED RIVER — EAGLE NEST , NEW MEXICO , CIRCLE DRIVE No . 3 — ROSWELL — CAPITAN — RUIDOSO AND BOTTOMLESS LAKES STATE P . . .
628: Critical Minerals in the Zuni Mountains, Cibola and McKinley Counties, New Mexico
As part of the Earth MRI project “Geochemical reanalysis of NURE samples from the Colorado Pla . . .
629: New Mexico Geological Society spring meeting abstracts
TABLE 2 — Types of mineral deposits in New Mexico ( North and McLemore , 1986 ; McLemore , in press ; Cox and Singer , 1986 ) . Abstracts NMBMMR classification USGS model number Placer gold 39a Placer tin none Volcanic - epithermal vein 25b , c , d , e , g , 26b NMGS spring meeting Rhyolite - hosted . . .
630: An outline of the mineral resources of New Mexico Edgar H. Wells
NEW MEXICO SCHOOL OF MINES STATE BUREAU OF MINES AND MINERAL RESOURCES E . H . We ll s , P re si de nt an d Di re c to r C i r c u l a r N o . 1 ( R e v i s e d ) AN OUTLINE OF THE MINERAL RESOURCES OF NEW MEXICO By E . H . W e l l s Socorro , N . M . September 1 , 1930 AN OUTLINE OF THE MINERAL RES . . .
631: Chemical characteristics of New Mexico's thermal waters--A critique W. K. Summers
CIRCULAR 83 Chemical Characteristics of New Mexico's Thermal Waters - - A Critique by W . K . SUMMERS Prepared for the Mineral Element of the New Mexico Re - sources Development Plan of the State Planning Office , this material was financially aided through a federal grant from the Urban Renewal Adm . . .
632: Geothermics--New Mexico's untapped resources W. K. Summers
I f - - - - - - - < . - . . . . . . . . . . " ~ . - - ~ . c - - - . ' A CIRC ' . , A L . _ • 98 ~ c ~ irLJ BUSINESS NEW M " v , ~ - . . A . ' ) : Reprint August 1968 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . .
633: Temporal and spatial relationships of diagenetic processes in the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation, Colorado and New Mexico, and its implication to dinosaur fossils preservation G. Woldegabriel and R. Hagan
Temporal and spatial relationships of diagenetic processes in the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation , Colorado and New Mexico , and its implication to dinosaur fossils preservation G . Woldegabriel and R . Hagan Isochron / West , Bulletin of Isotopic Geochronology , v . 55 , pp . 18 - 23 Downloaded . . .
634: New Mexico Geology, v. 37, n. 3, 2015 New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources
August 2015 Volume 37 , Number 3 August 2015 Volume 37 , Number 3 A publication of New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources , a division of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Rare Earth Elements ( REE ) Deposits in New Mexico : Update Science and Service Virginia T . Mclemore . . . .
635: Carbonatite dike, Lemitar Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico Virginia T McLemore
August 2015 Volume 37 , Number 3 August 2015 Volume 37 , Number 3 A publication of New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources , a division of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Rare Earth Elements ( REE ) Deposits in New Mexico : Update Science and Service Virginia T . Mclemore . . . .
636: 31st Annual New Mexico Mineral Symposium, November 13-14, Socorro, NM - 2010 NMBGMR
31st Annual New Mexico Mineral Symposium November 13 & 14 , 2010 New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources A Division of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Socorro 2010 1 Welcome to The Thirty - First Annual New Mexico Mineral Symposium and Second Mining Artifact Collectors Assoc . . .
637: 31st Annual New Mexico Mineral Symposium and 2cd Annual Mining Artifact Collectors Association Symposium New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources [ed.]
31st Annual New Mexico Mineral Symposium November 13 & 14 , 2010 New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources A Division of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Socorro 2010 1 Welcome to The Thirty - First Annual New Mexico Mineral Symposium and Second Mining Artifact Collectors Assoc . . .
638: Theses and dissertation abstracts 2001
Goldstein , 2001 , M.S . thesis , Department of The results from this thesis will be combined Earth and Environmental Science , New with computer simulations being conducted at Abstracts Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology , Sandia National Laboratories and other detec - Socorro , NM 87801 , 9 . . .
639: nmg_v1_n4_p49.pdf
Uranium indicator plants of the Colorado Plateau Gary Lee Massingill New Mexico Geology , v . 1 , n . 4 pp . 49 - 52 , Print ISSN : 0196 - 948X , Online ISSN : 2837 - 6420 . https : / / / 10.58799 / NMG - v1n4.49 Download from : https : / / / . . .
640: nmgv24n4: Index to volume 24
Index to New Mexico Geology , volume 24 Dolmar , D . C . 98 Malmon , D . 57 - 58 A C I Doña Ana Mountains 2 , 58 Mancos Shale 15 - 18 , 49 Abo Formation 58 , 66 Caballo Mountains 58 industrial minerals Donahue , K . M . 64 - 65 Carlile Member 49 Abstracts Callahan , T . J . 97 cement 24 Dowe , C . E . . .
641: The mineral resources of New Mexico Fayette A. Jones
642: The role of geology in shaping New Mexico's future L. Greer Price
summer 2014 G G n S f T R The Role of Geoloy in Shapin ew Mexico ’ uue Facing the Challenges of the Years Ahead In the coming years New Mexico faces a number of very real chal Many of the solutions to these problems , and the strategies we’ll need to develop in order to adapt , are grounded in an un . . .
643: nmg_v2_n3_Service News and Announcements.pdf
Service / News ( + ) items Storred available New Mexico Bureau Mines Resources of and Mineral from erosion Montoya , A . H . , Aspects and associated of oil accumulation sedimentation in southern in publications New San Juan Basin , Silurian - Devonian rocks New Mexico , by M . E . Cooley , in south . . .
644: New Mexico Geology, v. 40, n. 2, 2018 New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources
Fall 2018 Volume 40 , Number 2 Fall , 2018 Volume 40 , Number 2 A publication of the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources , a Division of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Science and Service ISSN 0196 - 948X The Late Pennsylvanian ( Missourian ) index New Mexico Bureau . . .
645: Water, in Bibliography of New Mexico geology and mineral technology through 1950 Marian R. Burks and John H. Schilling
& TECHNOLOGY MINING OF INSTITUTE MEXICO NEW President E . Workman , J . RESOURCES MINERAL AND MINES OF BUREAU STATE Director Eugene Callaghan , THE REGENTS Orrrcro Ex MnlrsrRs Mexico New of . Goaernor F . SIuus HoNonarr.n Tnn JoHN Instruction Public of . Superintendent L . Lusr Mns . Gnoncn MuNasERs . . .
646: Proceedings of the 31st Forum on the Geology of Industrial Minerals--The Borderland Forum George S. Austin, G. K. Hoffman, J. M. Barker, J. Zidek, and N. Gilson [eds]
New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources A DIVISION OF NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING & TECHNOLOGY Proceedings of the 31st Forum on the Geology of Industrial Minerals — The Borderland Forum Edited by George S . Austin , Gretchen K . Hoffman , James M . Barker , Jiri Zidek , and Nancy Gilson Ne . . .
647: nmg_v7_n4_Service News and Announcements.pdf
envi - and depositional characteristics Producing WaTEn PAPER SUPPLY NewPublications reservoirs , Lower Pennsylvanian of ronments the Tesuque 2205 - Simulation an aquifer test of of County , New area , Eddy South Parkwav - Empire A . Hearne , Pueblo New Mexico , by G . grant , NMBMMR AmericanAsso - . . .
648: DOE_Summary3_23.pdf Virginia McLemore
U.S . Department of Energy Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management DE - FE0032051 Carbon Ore , Rare Earth , and Critical Minerals ( CORE - CM ) Assessment of San Juan River - Raton Coal Basin Summary Progress Report Reporting Period : October 1 - March 31 , 2023 Project Performance Period : 10 . . .
649: NMMS_Brochure.pdf
O You are invited to attend the MEXIC MINERAL ationSYMPOSIUM 00 iz E The New Mexico Mineral Symposium provides a forum for 1 EW TAG gan43rd 1 . N both professionals and amateurs interested in mineralogy . The o ID r E , OS N O43rd A meeting allows all to share their cumulative knowledge of mineral I . . .
650: New Mexico Geology, v. 43, n. 1, 2021 New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources
Spring 2021 Volume 43 , Number 1 New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources / A Research Division of New Mexico Tech Spring 2021 Volume 43 , Number 1 A publication of the New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources A Research Division of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technolo . . .

There are 378 more results for uranium...