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GM-5 — Reconnaissance Geologic Map of Datil Thirty-minute Quadrangle

By Max E. Willard and David B. Givens, 1958, scale 1:126,720.

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The southern portion of this map covers the San Agustin Plains with the rest covering the higlands in the vicinity of Datil New Mexico and farther north. The oldest rocks exposed are Triassic Chinle Formation (now Group), which is overlain by Cretaceous sediments, Tertiary sediments, volcaniclastics, and volcanic rocks and intruded by a Tertiary porphyry. The youngest volcanic rocks are Tertairy and Quaternary basalts.

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File Name Size Last Modified
GM-5_map.pdf 4.97 MB 02/05/2021 02:47:51 PM
GM-5_map-pal.tif 4.79 MB 09/20/2018 10:16:23 AM
GM-5_map.tif 34.53 MB 09/20/2018 10:14:46 AM